Information for Freshmen

You get all the important information in the first sessions of your lecture courses. In general, there is no need to sign up for the lectures. However, you have to sign up for the tutorials as well as the review course.

Your login data for all important pages (Alma, URM, Ilias, etc.) are the ones you got via your matriculation data. (zx …)

Registration for the Tutorials and Review Course:

via URM (the deadline is Friday, 12 o´clock, the first week of lecture courses).

We recommend attending the review courses as well as the tutorials regularly.

Questions Regarding Your Studies? / Problems With Your Homework?

  • Your tutors are more than your teachers who correct your work. Feel free to ask them for help. They are students themselves and know that everyone struggles sometimes.
  • The Math Hour is especially for you and your questions regarding the exercises. It is a workspace where students meet to work on their homework and where you can also find tutors who help with everything you ask for. The Math Hour usually takes place at 14 o’clock. You can find further information on discord or on alma.
  • Do you have further questions regarding your studies? Just contact us, your student organisation team via e-mail (, Instagram (mathefachschaft) or Discord. You can also contact the Fachberatungszentrum (advice centre).
  • It is very helpful for your first steps in Tübingen to have a mentor. So, feel free to sign up for the Mentor Programme. Your mentor will be an advanced student who can help you and know whom to ask for what. You can find it here.

Useful to Know

The exam regulations can be found here.
After you chose your study program, you can find your “Modulhandbuch” and “Prüfungsordnung” (exam regulations) on the right-hand sight. You can find an overview of the modules for your study programme and an idea of what to pick for your upcoming semesters in the Modulhandbuch.

Depending on your second subject, it might be clever for students in the education programme to choose between Analysis 1 and Lineare Algebra 1 for your first semester and take part in the other one in your second semester. Are you one of those? Just contact us via e-mail ( or Discord and we give you further advice.

Summarized records from exams might be helpful for exam preparation. Click here to download them.

Via our e-mail distribution list, we can stay in touch with you, give you information about changes in your study programme or just invite you to one of our events. You can sign in on the left-hand side.

Every female student of mathematics can take part in Maths-Mentoring. The idea is to give a student a mentor who is one step further in her scientific career and to whom the student can come with questions in terms of science, university, or just to have someone to talk to.
For more information click here.

Your Start in Tübingen

The accommodation agency of the student service can be found here. A private room accommodation service can be found at Info Point at Mensa Wilhelmstraße (here). Helpful is also

Info points for the BAföG can be found here.

Keep in touch and stay interested in maths!